October 26, 2008

Ruby Nelson Hospital

I have been volunteering at Ruby Nelson Hospital for 5 days now. Its an Adventist hospital named after a missionary woman killed while serving here in India. Everyone is very nice here and there taking good care of me. I was craving peanut butter and they found it for me and now giving it to me every morning for breakfast. On the campus is the hospital, a school with 1000 kids, as well as a church. The church is very nice and conservative, here in india its a sign of respect to take your shoes off so pretty much everywhere you go you take them off even at church that is something i have had to get use to i dont like walking bare foot in church but its an experience. They speak in Hindi but sometimes they have a translator in english so than i can understand they are a very warm and welcoming people. On sunday we had my first eye camp. We traveled at 8 AM to a village 1 hour away we set up the OPD where we screen the patients if they need surgery, medicines, or refraction. All of the camps are sponsored by an outside representative from the UK, US, etc. The people are so thankful they always give us food, have a ceramony to celebrate its just miraculous. We saw hundreds of people from the surrounding village and it came out 60 people needed cataract surgery where we bring in our bus back to Ruby Nelson to our OT. We were in the village till around 3:30 PM and came back started setting up the OT at 5 where we get all the instrauments together. And started surgery at 6. There are 2 first asisstants, 2 second assistants so he has two patients on the table at a time so he when Dr. Jacobs is working on one patient the second is getting prept for surgery so he can just move over when done. Everyone knows exactly what to do he has a very well oiled OT. We finished at 9:30 it was a very long day for sure but rewarding now 60 more people can see only in a matter of minutes. On Monday we will do refraction for everyone that needs glasses. Keep up your prayers for all the patients.


gram said...

Our prayers are with your patients and with you.
love ya
gram and grandpa

Anonymous said...

Dear Mindy Min,
It's wonderful to read of your work from time to time. Keep up the journal entry. We enjoy reading and will continue to ask the Lord for strength for the medical personnel and remember the work in India.
Love you,
Mrs. Shumy Shum and family :)