I decided I have done all that I can for shimla Sanitarium and Hospital and made arrangements to shift to Gifford Memorial Hospital in Nuzvid which is located in Andhra Pradesh in the south of India. Darlene an American nurse has been working there since September, so we were both happy to have some company. She was in Surat at the moment visiting, which is in Gujarat state on the west coast, one of the wealthiest states in india. We have an SDA hospital there that is amazing. I have never seen a hospital in india like this it could rival the hospitals in America. Dr Jeremiah has turned this hospital into the best in Gujarat. I flew to meet Darlene and Candy another American volunteer working at the South Asia division offices for SDA. Candy has been working in india for the past 4 years so she had everything down pat. We shopped, worked in the hospital, and met amazing people for about a week and than had to say goodbye and go down to Nuzvid. The train was 16 hr ride but Darlene and I kept ourselves entertained with our different stories of india. We finally reached my new destination for my last 2 months in india.
Nuzvid is a large size village that is famous all over india and you will never guess for what. MANGOS!! They export mangos from nuzvid groves to all over india as well as outside the country. I have another question for you do you know how many types of mangos there are? Well technically I don’t know how many either, but I thought there was only one type until I came here and found out there so many varieties its overwhelming. Darlene’s favorite are sucking mangos, you just squish the mango and make a hole at the top and suck out the juice. My favorite are the kind you cut, I think its more tasty this way. Its about an hour drive from Vijayawada a big town so I can buy myself soy milk, one of the things I have been craving the most since arriving in india. The temperature is less than to be desired. Now if you remember in Shimla it was freezing I had to sleep with two blankets and a hot water bag at my feet every night. It’s the opposite temperature here. It varies between 98-115 degrees every day with humidity. Im staying in my own room across the hall from Darlene thankfully with an air conditioner . The hospital has a huge campus and there building more as we speak. The hospital has 150 beds but there usually not even close to being filled. The common things they see in the ER is malaria, snake bites, and suicide. When I arrived I got the most amazing welcome. During morning worship they introduced me to everyone and gifted me with a garland of flowers. I don’t work on the floors like I did before im doing more in-servicing with Darlene. We find ways to make the departments run smother, teach classes at the nursing school, teach the nurses better techniques, give the drills to keep there minds sharp, as well as a lot of things for the church. I help teach the teen Sabbath school and help out with all of there activities, and put together Sabbath school and AY. For a whole week Darlene and I put together VBS without any notice. I showed up to help and the pastor said no one else came to help you can make the program and teach. So I was very busy and hectic for that week with 50 kids it was a blessing we had so much fun. Candy came to visit for a while she works at the division and runs Advientist Child India, where she finds sponsors for indian kids to pay for there Adventist education. We took a day trip and visited a couple of the schools she has sponsored kids and than went to machilipatnam beach on the sea of Bengal. The just drive the auto rickshaws right up on the beach. And they have tons of fishing boats out. And no one wears bathing suits like at home they just wear there normal everyday clothes into the water. But than again no one knows how to swim they just jump around in it. That was a wild day jam packed with a very hot day and a car with no air conditioning. Another Sabbath we went to Platinum Jubilee for an SDA church. Its always something new here in Nuzvid it’s a nice change.
Dear Reader,
I am well astonished with the whole situation that has taken back as surprize to me with the atrocities that has been done in the name of God. Let it be noted that this is all a scam to regain crores of rupeese in the name of the culprit. This is to show that the World of Adventist Religeon is a disgrace to community and society and the Country as well. I think Jeremiah is the biggest crook of all, let this be not a discouragement to you because most of them are cooks in a way small or big trying to loot the SDA denomination from the miilions of dollars donated by Tithes and offerings the World sends for the furtherence of Gospel. Mr. Jeremiah is a hypocrite and a mal administer who values in money and not service. I further state that he is unsuitable to attain any position because of his Intergrity as a whole in the Southern Asian Division. It is of utmost shame and disgrace that the G.C. believes anyone and everyone who is a characterstic of these Americans. Why in the World does these fools who sit in big offices have a way to sipon out these infidels and set up a way to rectify the situation is my query. So, are all the workers in Division and Union and Sections, For they are all THIEVES and LOOT all the MONEY without oaying for the workers who are earnestly carrying out their duties as assigned. They do not get paid for 3-4 months and all because these leaders are looting the money that has been sent or collected in tithes and offering. Hello, wake up G.C. and smell the coffee. for your denomination is about to go extinct and the dinmination is corrupted on a large scale. I hope you idiots know what you are doing. If not let me help you straightenup. I do not know the president but I believe he is big Fool and do not comprehend any such activity. Why should he care for he is sitting on his butt making whatever salary and do not care. He may be a biggest Moron or alike the rest of them an faggott does not know shit to rule a denomination. So, what to do in a crises i am only concerned our fathers and forefathers have worked so hard to keep it alive. I will not allow some jackass to destroy all.
Thank You Sir,
I only wish that you take some responsibility for this and I mean no harm to anyone or place. I am just expressing my opinion.
God Bless You.
Dear Anonymous,
I'd only like to say that you should mind your language and keep in mind that you are a Christian and should try to attain Christ-like character and not use profanity at so much ease.. And about others, criticism is easy,, but do not forget it is not upto you or me or anybody else out there to judge.. God knows each one of us better than we know ourselves,, and I think its high time you left the judging to the Lord and use your time doing something worthwhile for Him. If you think anybody from the higher authorities is not up to the mark, just pray about it.. You don't have to give a big lecture on the Internet and condemn people..
On a final note,, I'd just like to say that there could have been a better way of "expressing your opinion".. Please do not disgrace the church,, God is watching over all of us..
God Bless You..
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