The youth group from the jalandhar church went to manali for four days with a guest speaker Dr. Rohini. Ashish invited me to go along i was glad i learned so much and had alot of fun. 40 of us pilled into the hospital bus for a 12 hr drive. it was a long trip with alot of people with motion sickness alot of throwing up outside the windows. During the day we would have lectures from dr. rohini the theme was "transformed by your grace." She taught us about how we go to God last so without knowing we treat God like we treat our enemies. We can not save ourselves we can not connect with God without Jesus coming down to earth becuase he was part divine as well as in the sinful nature. She really helped me look at everything in a different light. i learned alot of the basics i should have know but made them so much more clear for me. It was a good bonding experience with others from jalandhar. We went up to rohtang pass becuase half of the people on the retreat had never seen snow they went crazy. but the night we came back i got very sick throwing up everywhere stupid food poisoning.
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Mindy My love!! Wow, looks like you have had lots of fun adventures so far. I know that God is using you to the fullest over there in India. Ok so I am a little jealous?! you have freaking snow?! So weird? I would have thought it would be hot?! alot like Thailand.. Anywyas you look so cute riding that yak! ha ha looks so fun! Miss you doll I hope you continue to have fun and many more blessings to come! Happy holidays!!
Hi Mindy,
What an awesome experience! You look very happy and I am happy for you.
Spoke to your mom this morning and she told me about your dental experience. Hope you recup quick.
May God continue to bless you as you bless others.
Love ya,
Ms. Margie
Hi, Mindy
You are just as beautiful as the mountains behind you. I have saved that picture. It does appear as though you have bonded well with your friends. With your personality, I did not think you would have a hard time of it. Love you, Kiddo
Hi Mindy
You are just as beautiful as the mountains behind you. You look as though you have bonded well with your friends. With your personality, I didn't think you would have a problem with that.
Love ya, kiddo
Hi Mindy
I love the pictures. wow! That Yak ride must have been something. Sounds like you are a very busy with surgeries and making many new friends you will treasure for ever. Take care. Love
Aunt Linda
Hi Mindy! This might be a repeat message, if so I apologize. I sent a message yesterday morning but don't see it! Love the Yak ride pics, I did not know India had Yaks! lol - Your blogs are funny and informative and the pictures really enhance your written descriptions.. Also want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish you could be here (or we could be there with you..) Glad things are going so well and you are enjoying your time there, so much for all the doubters who didn't think you would handle the conditions!! Well, we all actually knew you could, but what fun are things if we can't tease you, right? Best wishes! Love Aunt Lauren
Hey Mindy, Happy Birthday!!! Hope your had fun or at least a break on your birthday. I see you doing it big over there. Hope to catch up when you get back stay safe.
Much Love Fiffy
Hello Mindy, you must put your entries in your blog into a book when you return home. It is such fascinating reading and re-reading. I have enjoyed every moment spent visiting the land where you are. You have painted such vivid "word pictures" of where you are and what you are doing. I do believe that you are going to be "hooked" on mission nursing. The challenges you have with each assignment and the "grace" with which you perform your duties - so many for the first time - are awesome to read. What a "brave" soul you are. I know that His strength is yours 24/7 and as a result you are blessing so many and are being blessed. You and your team remain in my prayers. I am sure the prayers of many are lifting you and the team up. Take care - stay well - and God Bless you real good.......
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